The intent of this site is to help visitors to develop the skills necessary to build their future. Following the proverb of teaching a person to fish rather than giving the person a fish, the intention was never to give a list of To-Do items that everyone MUST do. Everyone’s situation is a bit different. Therefore, it is important that we all make plans and take the actions specific and unique to our specific and unique situation.
So the goal was more to teach from the ground up – how to plan, how to develop the plan into a strategy, then how to develop the tactics to implement that strategy and finally how to implement those tactics.
That was the plan – and we’ll get back to that. However, as was observed by Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of Staff for the Prussian army (and often repeated and paraphrased by others), “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.”
And we have made contact with the enemy. We have a pandemic. We have social unrest. We have riots. We have growing voices to turn away from lawful society. We have true threats to the United States form of government, which – for better or worse – has been stabilizing factor globally both in terms of economic and military stability for the better part of a century.
So now that we’ve made contact, we must adapt our plans to meet the reality of the situation.
That’s the most important part of planning – not generating a final, fool-proof document of steps that is executed regardless of the changing situation, but going through the process of planning so you know the options and likely consequences laid out ahead of you.
For the moment, we’re going to take a slightly different approach. Rather than giving a man a fish or teaching a man to fish, we intend to feed the man while he learns to fish.
So we’ll move forward with developing training courses and reference libraries as always intended, but we’ll also be supplying some generic, commonly needed guidance for those who are starting from scratch but need to take effective action beginning today.
Call to Action
Be sure to check the Recent Posts to get the information you will need to start (or validate your plans for) your personal preparedness journey.